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Donate today to support Team Pocock

Can you help me build trust, integrity and leadership in Australian politics?

My team continues to build a movement of people who want to do politics differently. Your donation won’t buy you influence or access. But it will help give me the best chance at continuing to stand up for our community and be an independent voice for integrity and a better future for all of us.

If you're an individual looking to contribute by bank transfer, please visit EFT Donation Record - Individuals. Companies can email [email protected] for more information.

  1. David Pocock does not accept any foreign donations regardless of it being below $100, see definition here. You warrant that you are not a foreign donor. If we have any concerns about your eligibility, we may need to ask for proof of that status.

  2. David Pocock does not accept donations from gambling, liquor, fossil fuel or tobacco corporations. You warrant that you are not one of these entities.
  3. There are no caps on political donations under Commonwealth electoral laws. If your donation is more than $16,900 (or exceeds $16,900 together with other smaller donations you have made in FY2024/2025) then your name and amount of the donation will need to be disclosed to the Australian Electoral Commission. You will also need to lodge a donor disclosure after the election, which we will notify you about at the time. The form is simple and we can help as needed. Please see here for more donor disclosure information.

  4. Political contributions of up to $1,500 are tax deductible. Please see here for more guidance from the ATO
  5. If you have any donation queries please contact us at [email protected].